Too far away for me...but consider yourself waved at while you have some fun with others!
kitten whiskers
JoinedPosts by kitten whiskers
Lets meet!March 21st
by mouthy inin burlington.ont....if you can make it .i will be there ,will you ?.
e-mail me if you can make it ..
Most pathetic Special Needs Talk
by RebeccaChi inremember all the stupid special needs talks?
i remember one that was about a kid picking up a $5 bill outside of the kingdom hall.
he looked around to see if anyone around him lost it, and when no one did, he decided to keep it.
kitten whiskers
The first and only pioneer meeting I attended, a fight broke out!
Two very subsued and quiet pioneers (a mother and daughter) had enough from a loud mouth pioneer sister. I couldn't believe the screaming and accusing going on in front of everyone at the meeting! They nearly got into a hair pulling fist fight!
The CO delivered a local needs talk to the congregation about it. You should have seen the bewildered looks on everyones face who hadn't been privy to the incident! It was just crazy to bring it out in front of everyone! There were a lot of whispers afterwards wondering what in the world that was all about!
me klueless in vancouver
by Japster inwhat's an easy way to post pics right in your message?
i have some of crazy vancouver, canada 2010 street scenes if anyone would like to see them but i' at a loss to post them in a message window.. thanks.
governing body secondary in waiting wingnut klass.
kitten whiskers
I don't know how to post them, but I sure would love to see them!
Which church has the best music?
by JimmyPage inback when i was "inactive" for the first time and single, a girl at the mall invited me to her church.
i had never set foot in another place of worship before and things started out with a bang, literally.
there was loud music- with live drums crashing out the beat.
kitten whiskers
I liked a Restoration Church we attended.
There was a little something for everyone.
There was traditional music.
There was aband made up of the teenage members in the church.
There would also be solos by older congregation members, where they sang and played the guitar or piano.
At times, they used music videos! There was a kids song I loved! It was called something like "what if cartoons got saved too?" and Fred Flintstone would say "Yaba-daba-do-lah" for hallelujah! It was cute!
That's been my favorite so far!
This is hysterical!!
by WingCommander ini'm not one to post youtube video's on forums like this, but i came across this well-made one by someone on youtube.
i think we can all relate to this comical commercial:.
kitten whiskers
That was hilarious!
It's kind of scary though, looking back through eyes wide open and seeing how we used to be!
There's one video where the commenter says " I really appreciated how the paragraph..." Ugh! Can you believe how often we said that?!!!????
JW's and home schooling?
by semelcred ini don't wish to offend any that are teaching their kids at home, but today i was again confronted by a situation where a jw family were home schooling.
the kids had little structure to their routine and without putting the mum down, she was no teacher in an academic sense.. the subject is close to my heart because my parents who are witnesses, took my younger brothers out of school and home tutored them.
the were subjected to below standard education and limited in social skills, particularly as my parents are crap at these skills themselves.. i have grown to hate home schooling except in the situation of medical or logistical situations.. what are your comments good or bad and do you think the option to home school is abused by the witness community?.
kitten whiskers
In my teen years, we switched congregations and I met a couple who pioneered and "home schooled" their kids.
Bah. All they really did was use them as pioneer partners! These kids had no education what so ever! They should have been in high school with me and the other kids at the Kingdom Hall. (It was a baby boom...there were lots of us in high school at the same time!)
Giving a talk and studying for meeting were used as classroom work! It was laughable.
It was really very terrible.I remember thinking how much they were missing an education.
I've only known one successful story of home schooling and it wasn't JW! She started with their eldest daughter due to medical problems and continued with the next two. They did wonderful and are a sweet, close family. Each girl is going or has been to college (a chuch affilitated college) and are turning into the most beautiful young women you have ever seen! Beautiful personalities and skills. A rare jewel in the home schooled department!
kitten whiskers
Aren't you glad we offer freely...saving you the embarassment of asking?
A hopeful but weird and funny dream I woke up from about my old Jehovah's Witness friends and family
by Butterflyleia85 ini had a weird dream last night, a dream i'd love to come true in a sense.
i can't remember all but the bits and peices had my mom, my old best friend lacey and another friend that wasn't from my hall but a good friend crystal, it did have my grandma and sister but they weren't in it as long.
my mom and i were in the car together she said she's been talking to crystal and she too had seen some sorta evidance that jw's were wrong, wrong and actually became worse about menipulating the people.. (in reality crystal has always been a bet rebelous and i didn't understand how she could do things she did and be a jw but i was thankful for her kindness when i got reinstated, she was the only one that actually wanted to hang out with me.).
kitten whiskers
Wow! What an interesting and literal rendition of "food at the proper time"! I bet if you were able to stay in it, she would have revealed they could only eat it at "proper times" too!
They would probably have to eat at the same time Bethal eats!
That must have been quite the morning as you pondered this dream! Wow! Thanks for sharing!
***URGENT Advice Needed***
by babygirl30 inhey everyone!.
i will be going into the hospital for surgery on first one ever!
the surgeon has gone over the procedure and informed me that it's 'bloody' and so she gave me all my options.
kitten whiskers
Congratulations on finding a doctor you trust and who respects you enough to tell you what to expect!
I am so glad you are able to take care of whatever problem it is that ails you! I am also glad you have a network of people to help you physically and emotionally that are not in a JW mindset and will support you in taking care of your health and your life!
One of the things my husband does, now that we have left, is give blood when he can. (They also use him to get something extra, I can't remember what it is, but it is something that is a little harder to give/get). He is proud that he is helping someone. Remember that. People have given blood for it to be there for all of us! Anyone of us at anytime might face a critical moment where that gift can save us!
Those who have given blood do it out of love! There is so much they go through to make it available! It's done willingly and in hopes of helping you! They eat right so they can give that day. They make an appointment to do so. They wait in line for an hour sometimes. They sit for a half hour or so to give the blood, and wait afterwards to recouperate a bit before they leave.For all of this, they get a sticker that says to the effect, "I helped save a life today." They leave feeling physically weak, but spiritually and emotionally high! They have done something great for their fellow man! It is a gift...offered before asked for. Given willingly and in love for someone they don't know. Don't let anyone tell you that is something to despise! Even the JW's who make use of the option for blood fractions need these selfless individuals who donate! JW's don't donate and yet they will take fractions! Don't let the twisted thinking of the religion bog you down at this time where you need to rest and prepare.
Take today to calm yourself and go in tomorrow refreshed and ready! Watch some comedy to get you laughing and in a hearty mood! Sing long and loud as you go for a drive today! Get those strong emotions a way to release themselves in a happy way!
I understand your fear! I cried silent crocodile tears when my doctor told me I had to go in for an operation. It really wasn't as major as some operations are, but it scared the daylights out of me! I went out and took a life insurance policy out to make sure there'd be something for my family if something went wrong. My doctor kept telling me it would be fine and she was right. Listen to the wisdom of your doctor and trust his/her hands.
Know that we will be thinking about you and sending good thoughts and for those of who pray, prayers your way! Please come back and tell us how you are once you are back on your feet and feeling better. (A post from your laptop while you recouperate and surf the internet would be welcome too! Just make sure you follow doctors orders! Rest well and enjoy the help of your friends and family! Let them pamper you while you recover!)
As a jw ,what did you make of non dubs doing christ like things and showing compassion
by looloo infor example what did you think of bob geldof organising band aid and the hit single "do they know its christmas " and shows like children of courage about kids who may have cancer but still find time to raise funds for ill people , or someone rescues a stranger from a burning building without a thought for themselves , when bob geldof did what he did for the starving in ethiopia did you never wonder why "true christians " did not get involved ?
and did you ever feel confused that the kid with cancer would be for it come armageddon because his parents were not jws despite being a much nicer kid than you often observed at the kingdum hall ?.
kitten whiskers
It made me think. It stuck in my mind, as a child.
I didn't pay attention to the news, and the big things going on it the world. I did however pay attention to my grandparents and their friends and neighbors. I saw a lot of selflessness and love. Things I didn't see witnesses doing. My mother was the JW in our house and only did things for the "friends". She did expecting something back. The others that I observed, did things for widows and others who needed help. They didn't expect anything back and didn't really want their deeds acknowledged. They were true Christians.
I always wondered how God could destroy them. But he reads the heart, so maybe he wouldn't.
As an adult, on the verge of leaving JW's, I had put the kids in the community theater program. There we sat in a full auditorium with other parents. They were excited. They were holding bouquets of garden flowers. Their grandparents and extended families were there. There was a happy buzz in the auditorium. I looked around and realized there was so much love in that room. It was impossible God would destroy these people because they weren't JW's. At that moment, I just knew that teaching was wrong.
Were you also noticing these things while in the JW religion, or was it more after you left? If it was while you were in the JW's, did it stir your heart and stick with you as a little point that just couldn't be pushed down?
To this day, I remember my grandpa mowing the lawns of all the widows in his neighborhood. It was long hot work. He never felt good and sunburned easily. But he did it.
My widowed grandmother is now supported by her neighbors now that grandpa is gone. They come and shovel her walk early in the morning before work. They plow her driveway. They bring her the mail on days they don't want her to go outside for fear of falling and freezing. Though nearly blind, she bakes for them in appreciation. There is such a spirit of Christian love (they are religious and are Christian in faith) that it can't be overlooked.
There is a saying, "You may be the only bible a person ever reads.". These people are excellent examples of their bible principles and they witnessed to me even when I was led to believe I knew it all and was educated in the bible more than they ever could be. God has certainly been retraining me!